Lava Worm and Catch – up!

Dear Reader,

Let’s not pretend this is the first time we’ve been in this position.

Life is crazy! Two kids make it crazier! Working full time makes it crazier!

But we are up against the wire now, and reapercorn looms. So I figured I’d hop on here since I’ve actually been painting some lately and give you a little bit of an update.

I am currently working on two (maybe three) giant monster entries. I always try to do a mouseling, and I wouldn’t be opposed to doing some sort of quick diorama entry if I could make it in time. Also there are manufacturer awards to consider, specifically the moonlight minis line. So, I have a busy like 25 days ahead of me. Lol.

As of right now, I have one entry mostly finished. It’s my lava worm and he’s here! I still have to finish his base, but I needed a break from him.

I have plans to try and finish my lightning / ice worm, But he’s a little bit different than my normal comic style. I’m doing white lining on him and I don’t think I’m going to do any black lining actually. I haven’t completely decided yet, let me know what you think. I’m also thinking of going up to a blue-white on all his spiky bits too.

I’m currently working most diligently on my Yog Sothoth. I’m doing something completely different for him than my normal comic style. He’s completely black and white right now and I’m trying to decide if I’m going to add some gray undertones and shadows and make him like grayscale or if I’m just going to leave him straight black and white. Here’s what he looks like right now. I’m interested in your opinions on that too

I really haven’t had almost any time to paint this year because by the time I get time to paint I’m too exhausted to paint. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people that needs at least 2 hours to really get into my groove and get something done, and if I know I’m only going to have 15 minutes I find it really hard to find the motivation to set up my wet palette, try and find what I’m going to do and get started because then my 15 minutes is over. But, once we get up on a deadline like this I usually do better anyways.

So here’s to ADHD and all the joys and tribulations that come with it. I am hoping to be able to post more frequently as we run up to ReaperCon. Unlike last year, my plan is to actually post updates afterwards so you can see some of the cool minis we saw and some other things. We’re going to be bringing along both of our tiny overlords again so that should be a lot of fun, and the 5-year-old is thinking he wants to enter the youngbloods this year so I’m super stoked about that. When he decides he’s done I’ll post some pictures. We’re currently arguing over the fact that it needs a base. lol

So that’s it for now, I’m going to try and update at least once a week until reaper con and then after that we’ll see what happens. I am fairly motivated to do this so it should get done… I would hope. I hope you’re all doing well and I hope your families and those you love are good I hope you missed me and are interested in seeing further content! Lol


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